2025 QGA Quilt Auction
Come join us for our annual QGA Quilt Auction. Event is open to the public.
DATE: Saturday, April 5, 2025
TIME: 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Grace Presbyterian Church Hall
518 Roselawn Blvd.
Lafayette, LA 70503
ENTRY FEE: $10 (includes lunch)
Lunch will be jambalaya, salad, bread, coffee, tea, water and lots of desserts!
Auction Happenings
The Auction event will include the following:
Silent Auction - Bid on "themed" gift baskets (e.g. new baby baskets, cooking baskets, gardening baskets and more)
Live Auction - Bid on finished handmade quilts & more
Raffle for Themed Baskets and Quilts - Buy tickets ($1 each) for a chance to win a gift basket or quilt)
Opportunity Quilt - Buy tickets ($1 each) for a chance to win the Opportunity Quilt (need not be present to win)
Lunch - Entrance fee includes lunch
Opportunity Quilt
Buy tickets for $1.00 each for a chance to own this beautiful "Opportunity Quilt".
The "Wandering in the Garden" quilt was pieced by long time guild member, Judy Garber. Machine quilted by Paulette Benoit of C'est Bon Stitches and the binding completed by guild member, Susie Massicot.
The quilt measures 74" x 83 1/2".
The quilt pattern was designed by Missouri Star Quilt Company.
It is considered a "scrappy" quilt with navy blue and raspberry background.
The pattern includes a quaint quilted garden filled with blossoming pinwheel flowers featuring petite eight-point pedals, accented with lovely Irish Chain blocks.

To Buy Tickets
Ticket Prices:
Entry Ticket: $10 each (includes lunch)
Opportunity Quilt Raffle Ticket: $1 each
How to Order Tickets:
To purchase your tickets, please send a check to:
Quilters' Guild of Acadiana
P.O. Box 61131
Lafayette, LA 70507
Make check payable to:
Quilters' Guild of Acadiana
When sending your check, please include a note with the following details:
Your name
Phone number (in case there are questions about your order)
Number of Entry Tickets purchasing
Number of Opportunity Quilt Raffle Tickets purchasing
Ticket Pickup:
Tickets will be available for pickup at the sign-in table on the day of the event.